Tips for Rebuilding Your Credit after Bankruptcy A bankruptcy filing need not permanently ruin your credit. In fact, in many instances, it will be perceived by potential lenders as a positive sign, that you are taking steps to resolve your problems. … [Read more...]
Housing Recovery on the Way? If you are in debt and own a home, consider a bankruptcy to set yourself up for success
This morning the Associated Press reported two things which indicate that the housing market is strengthening. First, foreclosure repossessions fell in February 2013 to the lowest level since September 2007. This decline is accompanied by … [Read more...]
New Jersey State Bar Association 5th Annual Pro Bono Conference
Bankruptcy Attorney John W. Hargrave recently participated in the 5th Annual NJSBA Pro Bono Conference, which was held on February 14, 2013 at the New Jersey Law Center. John Hargrave was a member of a panel which discussed solo attorneys and the … [Read more...]
What Can I Do with Student Loan Debt?
Are you struggling under a mountain of debt, including student loans? Have you contemplated seeking bankruptcy protection, but heard that student loan payments may not be discharged in a bankruptcy filing? There are strategies available that can help … [Read more...]
Do I Qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing?
Qualifying to Permanently Discharge Debt under Chapter 7 In the revisions to the federal bankruptcy laws in 2005, Congress changed the eligibility of individuals for the permanent discharge of debts under Chapter 7. Prior to filing any kind of … [Read more...]
How Much Debt Do I Need to File for Bankruptcy Protection?
How Much Debt Do You Have to Have to Be Eligible for Bankruptcy Protection? If your debt load has become unmanageable and you have considered using bankruptcy to get a fresh start, you may be worried that there is a minimum debt requirement you must … [Read more...]
If You Owe Money on Your Home, Do You Really Own It?
If you are like most people, when you buy a home, you finance most of the purchase with money borrowed from a bank, mortgage company, or other lender. When you do, the lender secures their loan to you through a mortgage. Does this mean that the bank … [Read more...]
Can You Pick and Choose Which Debts You Want to Discharge in Bankruptcy?
If you face insurmountable debt and have concluded that your only way forward is through a personal bankruptcy filing, you may have questions about how the process works. Do you have to include all your debts in the bankruptcy filing, or can you … [Read more...]
Unfair DMV Surcharges in the State of New Jersey and Bankruptcy
The department of motor vehicles in New Jersey does not seem to have much compassion for people who are in debt and who are unable to pay their DMV surcharges. These surcharges are levied against people who have accumulated six or more points on … [Read more...]